A Tool for Change: Unveiling the Visionaries of Sustainable Fashion

In a world dominated by fast fashion and disposable trends, at MUMSTER were determined to spotlight those pioneering initiatives that prove that a different way of producing and…

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Driving Change in the Fashion Industry: Lessons from the Copenhagen Global Fashion Summit 2023

The fashion industry has long been synonymous with creativity, glamour, and innovation. However, behind the glitz lies a complex ecosystem with profound environmental, social, and…

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Closing the Loop: The Netherlands’ Pioneering Approach to Clothing Waste

In a world dominated by fast fashion and consumerism, the staggering issue of clothing waste has emerged as a pressing global concern. In an attempt to regulate the industry, the…

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The Power of Sustainability Education to Drive Change in the Fashion Industry

The fashion industry is unquestionably a powerful force in our world, it influences the way we dress, express ourselves, and perceive beauty. However, beneath the glitz and…

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Navigating Transparency and Regulation in the Fashion Industry : Key organizations pushing for change

Transparency has been a key theme in the sustainable fashion movement for a while now and we believe it’s a crucial step, a key element to achieve sustainability, especially in…

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Human Rights in Fashion Supply Chains And How Brands Can Respect Them

The fashion industry is often associated with human rights violations, particularly in countries in the global south where most of our garments are produced. we wanted to shine a…

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5 groundbreaking Fashion Pioneers we met at Neonyt Düsseldorf

Last month we had the pleasure to attend Neonyt in Düsseldorf. It was a fantastic experience that allowed us to meet so many inspiring people including some groundbreaking fashion…

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Vegan Fashion: A Guide to Sustainable Materials

Plastic is everywhere and we realise the impact it has on the planet. Let’s learn more about synthetics' impacts and find better alternatives so we can leave plastics in 2022 and…

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Synthetics no more: Positive Fibers’ work

Plastic is everywhere and we realise the impact it has on the planet. Let’s learn more about synthetics' impacts and find better alternatives so we can leave plastics in 2022 and…

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Four experts breaking down what is greenwashing and how it can be tackled!

Greenwashing is all over the news, and with multiple brands found guilty of this, there’s often a lot of confusion around this topic, that’s why at MUMSTER we decided to reach out…

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